Death became a main focus in this week’s episode of Chasing Life. Sure, it’s one of the first things that come to mind when dealing with cancer, but for April the realization and the possibility becomes strong when a member of her cancer support group doesn’t show up for yoga.
Suddenly everywhere she turns she is faced with death. She begins having dreams about her own mortality. Even a casual card game with her grandmother and her grandmother’s friends turns into a forum about death. But did all this talk about the feared fate of all humans nudge April into sleeping with Leo? Or was it his upbeat demeanor with one of their sick friends they help escape from the hospital for the day?
Either way, their new connection is threatened when Leo tells April that surgery is an option for him, he just isn’t willing to risk becoming a vegetable. All this time she thought he was being brave in the face of death without any options, but the realization that he is willing to give up becomes clear to her with disappointment written all over her face by the close of the episode.
The silver lining in this difficult episode â€" April realizes that she wants to bury the hatchet with her mother. Her relationship with Brenna has even taken a turn for the better.
Meanwhile, Brenna’s trip to Key Largo to find their half-sister while traveling with the Eco Club was a disappointment. This storyline sure isn’t going anywhere just yet though. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens. What did you think of this week’s episode of ‘Chasing Life’?